Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Year

Almost a year it has been
of tryst with destiny

A year that completed
Decades five of my being
Have I been a doer
Or led like a puppet in the ring?

The year snatched
God's gift most precious, my Mom
And in its hard way taught
There is a life beyond..
Beyond relations distant and near
Beyond inevitable grief
And joys we-may-lose, we fear.

The year has taught me how to sing
Sing I must even when its the hardest to sing
I have seen my grey hair grow greyer
But I have learnt to sleep with grateful prayer.

Suddenly God took away all my fears
The worst came true, the rest lay there;
The year has brought me closer to me
And I feel.who else is important if not me?

The year has redeemed me, purged me of many a doubt
Blessed me all anew with faith stout..
The year has shown nothing can my trust rout
I have right on joy and my 'khushi' is inside not out...