Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The year ending and beginning

 Over the years that I have been associated with Gita Jayanti in Kurukshetra, the atmosphere around Brahmsarover during the celebration of Kurukshetra Utsav has  an electric current like force and there is no way one can help being affected by it- the cool, decorated, attractive  ambience , the noisy mela-dom, the hustle bustle, the number of cultural events taking place and varied sounds of katha on one end, Raas Leela on other, Sufi singing in late evenings-all this lends exquisite charm. It energizes, uplifts, boosts indeed.

In a way the  festivities starting from Gita jayanti through Christmas to New year put us in celebration mode, I feel albeit for some only the latter would suffice.

On the other hand,the end of the year invariably sets in motion the recollections of emotions in somewhat tranquility, the remembrances of the days and months gone by, the somewhat dis-comforting feel of yet-another-year-about-to-be-over, the feel of growing in years etc etc.

 It is almost natural to look back, go down the farthest end of memory lane and more often than not the hordes of impressions  stuck in the psyche like black and white visuals enliven  to make one sad sometimes and sometimes smile. In fact everything about the year ending seems to hasten towards the end, make us reach conclusions and  almost decisively we tend to be judgmental, make up our mind for fresh starts, new beginnings, get into mode of welcoming a much awaited dawn of new promises to keep(at least we feel we are for sure going to 'keep').

The foggy early mornings, the smog during the day and dusk, the chill caused by cold wave, the scarcity of sun shining bright add solemnity and seriousness to otherwise intensity and romance exuding environs -both inside and outside.

Thanks to the exposure facilitated by the ever increasing number of satellite channels, the spirit of celebration takes the better of drowsy numbness which the impending ending of the year seems all set to cause. We are swept off by the high tide of celebratory mode the world is in and the fears, anxieties, the self drawn conclusions on life and relationships take the back seat (- for the better, of course) and we tend to let go, sail and fly with the tide and the wind and the spirit to live life king size even the 'winter's furious rages' cannot dampen. Thank you, God , for connecting closely a fresh beginning with a fag end symbolising that this  earth is blessed,  today is beautiful and tomorrow will be better for sure.

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