Friday, November 7, 2014

Happy Birthday to you, Ma

She was the pivot, the motivator, the inspiration of our lives; the epitome of courage- courage of conviction; the symbol of faith-unflinching, unshakable, unbreakable faith in Almighty God and goodness of the world; the faith that tomorrow would be better for sure; the faith that the good must prevail and the bad, the nasty, the ill-intentioned would for sure fail. She was the embodiment of compassion, touchstone of human kindness and ever so ready to hold, protect and heal with care and  laad pyaar !! She was grace and humility personified. With fortitude and resilience she overcame the toughest of circumstances, the most challenging times, the testing travails. The so called sorrows of the world, the tragedies caused by the Destiny brought forth the mettle, the strength of her character and personality, her bearing of strong moral, ethical and family values, the impact of education and training of mind and heart. Nothing, absolutely nothing could ever narrow her vision and thinking. Her 'soch' was global, her interest in the human kind, her compassion encompassed the world, transcended the domain of 'kith and kin'. Today, while listening to Javed Akhtar's interpretation of Rahim's : 'Rahiman nijman ki vyatha, man hi rakho goye..' I realised how, like a truly creative poet, writer, blessed human being, she valued the privacy of her sorrows and was able to transform them into human compassion with perseverance, thoughtfulness and simple large -heartedness. Her simplicity, genuineness and generosity touched the lives of many a known, unknown persons who came into contact with her.

On this day, I salute her, my Ma, while wishing her Happy Birthday, all that want to  say is: I am proud to have been born as her daughter...and I miss her…miss her sooo much.

7th November, 2014

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