Sunday, June 16, 2019

Of Blocks And Barriers

True, I write only for myself but sharing through a blog post also feels good when others are able to view it more objectively, dispassionately. And if it still makes sense, it feels better ofcourse. The blocks and barriers to penning one's thoughts can be many and for reasons varied. During such stretches of silence or non creativity, life goes on per se but the nagging feel of something 'missing' remains.

More often than not we 'let' the blocks and barriers, constraints and limitations take over their hold on us and we proverbially 'blame it on the rain'. Without our own connivance, nothing..absolutely nothing has the power to take the better of us. We become hand in glove with our small discomforting health issues, busydom, plain indifferential attitude and the time goes on not just in days or weeks, sometimes in months!

On the other hand, it really does not take more than 'yes' to our own urge to go out, breathe easy, 'connect' to a place, person or a thing, any project, an act of philantheooy and charity by simply setting out literally from the constraintful dopmain of our mind, heart or body. It honestly does not take much nor cost anything in monetary or emotional terms to say a gentle 'hi' to a project like Gau Abhyaranya or attending an Aarti in a temple or paying obeisance to a saint or a mentor, a friend- I mean thats all it takes 'to connect' soulfully. The chain of positive energies the small gestures can set rolling abundantly is no less than a blessing for a parched soul or a drying heart or a closed mind and overtly conscious constraintful physical self.

It is said when the going gets tough, the tiough get going. I feel the pun in 'going' is intended. We have no business to stop or halt just at some uncomfortable, negative zone of mind , heart or body. It is essential to be a little tough- talking-friend or a gentle mentoring guide to ourselves to let ourselves go off a place, a situation, a scene or location which tends to hold or seize our better energies and power.

Milton has rightly said: ' .'
(John Milton, Paradise Lost)
Its very important to be 'watchful' lest we are caught unawares in trail of negativity. There is so much so very beautiful in this world, so full of positivity, so very gratifying that we only have to have the desire to look around and let go, do and be compassionate and caring, giving and sharing. The receipts of such small actions are immensely enriching and filling. So 'shall we go then, you and I' beyond the blocks and barriers, controls and constraints and for sure we can make this world a much better place to live in -if not for anyone else- atleast for us individually and collectively.

Andd lo! Just on entering the hotel Gludsmeden, Copenhagen I found this:
'Nothing changes until something moves...'


  1. Great....thanks to Copenhagen which set you going and gave us this thought-provoking piece....after such a long time, a whiff of fresh air...I hope you will keep pace with the momentum...forever...keep going Guruji...You are the creator of your creative universe and mine too....

  2. What a literary pieceof art...writing thoughts unbelievable viditing and paying time or miney on gau abhrnya is easy to say because it has become part of your routine things in restricted disciplined time...,.for most people its like going on a special Event...may be as part of religious beliefs..
    Amazing write-up.tremendous sensitivity towards. Sevabhav and mentors

  3. Quite thought provoking post. Undoubtedly you are actually a storehouse of knowledge , love and compassion. Whether it is difficult task like Gau abhyaran or challenging and resting time of pre-elections or just anything else, you make it look so easy to others. Definitely , you do it religiously to look it so easy. You never seem to be tired. Such a virtuous and beautiful person.Wish you a wonderful time in Copenhagen. Looking forward to another blog soon mam.

  4. i think positivity and patience is the key to grand success.
    you are a great great motivator, i felt motivated. regards

  5. An excellent blog which gives an insight into how you manage to achieve what seems impossible to most others. The ability to connect with oneself, others and those who need our compassion (not just humans) is a rare quality and we see that embodied in your words and actions on a daily basis.

  6. हम जैसा सोचते हैं, वैसा ही करते हैं.
    सकारात्मक सोच और कर्तव्य के प्रति जिम्मेदारी के भाव को किसी थोपा नहीं जा सकता. स्वत:स्फूर्त विषय है. परदेश पहुंचकर भी गायों और मंदिरों का ध्यान पर्याप्त है तड़प समझाने के लिए.....

  7. Once again a great learning write up. Inspiring to keep going with possitivity egnoring blocks and barriers. Refreshing and motivational as always. Wish you comfotabke stay and good learning experience. Regards
