Friday, August 28, 2020

God's Grace Abundant


Do we feel it when we wake up in the morning and find ourselves alive, healthy, opening our eyes to see the new dawn, feel the fragrant freshness , breathe the air that belongs to us, inhale it deeply to start a new day?

Don't we feel it when our child gives us that exquisite loveful innocent smile wishing us good morning and we sip the hot cup of tea or coffee as a treat of a new day, touch feet of the parents if fortunately they are there to make us feel blessed. Do we really feel this during the day when we are able to eat healthy food, have a nap, drink the pure water, listen to the music, or the tune of our own heartbeat ?

Perhaps we are unable to feel it when the going gets a bit tough, when we do our best and get snubbed, cook the choicest dish and go unappreciated, encounter a rough colleague or unjustifiably rude someone whose words and gestures matter, when we have a headache or palpitations due to stress or strain of work, when things just don't seem to go the way we want and desire so intensely.

We are always judging perhaps whether this is what I deserve and that's what I dont deserve atall and also asto why I alone have to be put to tests of patience and why the hell enough is not enough! Sometimes on simple issues we tend to throw the ball to destiny and questioningly we turn to Him whom we find so easily accessible to bear with all our allegations and 'ulahnas' that look, I can take no more so you better take care not to send me this and that suffering or test of time again and again or grief or trauma thats not really my cup of tea to take on per se.

The saner persons saints and gurus we believe in tell us to have patience, accept His Bhaana and move on with sense of surrender and that there is good in everything and just we are not able to fathom it at the nick of the time especially when the tough occasions arise and the unkind times test the best we have.

We all see our greatness flicker at the slightest provocation of pain or hurts, we all struggle to come to terms with situations ans move on leaving a few things behind, carrying a few impressions forward but we move on for sure.

There comes a time for such introspection when we look back. And when we look back- more often than not we end up feeling God's grace in abundance in our riches of health and wisdom , precious treasurable experiences , in evolvement as human beings. This is one such occasion for me to feel gratitude with my head bowed and eyes tearful to thank Him for His gracious kindness to have given me opportunity to work for 38 years that I complete today having started my career as Lecturer in FC College for women, Hisar on this day in 1982. Thank you, God for giving earth beneath my feet to Anabel me stand economically independeny- the grace that givem me an identity as a working woman, an officer thereafter. Its His pure kindness and love for me that even in the dire adversities, I could look up to the hope of a better tomorrow and wait patiently to let the testing times pass. Thank you, everyone my family, friends, mentors. Colleagues who always stood in good stead, cared for me, loved me and supported and never let me feel alone. Your 'saath' is God's grace abundant for me. 


  1. Yes there is much to be thankful about. God is so benevolent and kind. Thanks for putting it forth so simply... Congratulations on completing 38 years in service to the nation in different positions....

  2. Beautiful infact best way to be grateful to God for many things on completion of 38 years,feelings put in words explicitly, tremendous gratitude and feeling happy with

  3. Congratulations mam on completing 38 years of service to the nation. Wishing you the best filled with fun, happiness and unlimited weekends ahead.

  4. So simple, so beautiful and so relatable!!

  5. Congratulations Madam. Your are genius, brave women. Your decision more partical and suitable for all.I wish to God You live happy healthy long life. Your are the best CA of Board.

  6. Congratulations mam for living your life so beautifully and remarkably. You leave your indelible imprints wherever you go. Wishing you a long, hale and healthy life ahead.

  7. Ma'am ji you are great
    Nitin Panipat

  8. Beautiful , best way to be grateful to the god . Congratulation madam on completing 38 years of service to the nation.Wishing you all the best for your future endeavour.

  9. Heartiest congratulations madam..wonderfully expressed your gratitude towards almighty...
    Taking lots of inspiration from you madam.

  10. Really we all appreciate gracias and wonderful 38 years of true service to society,I'm sure every station will always remember you di.. congrats

  11. Congratulations on 38 years of your journey. May God's grace always be with you.

  12. Best thoughts by an awesome person. Reminded me that saying thanks & having a sense of gratitude is necessary rather that complaining all the time.

    सुख वेले शुकराना करके, प्रभु दा शुकर मनाई दा,
    दुःख वेले अरदासां करके, दुःख नूं दूर भजाई दा
    मैं नीवाँ मेरा मुर्शिद, उच्चा मेरे साहिबा

  13. Very well shared experience of life. Congratulations Di for completing 38 years of service to nation and touching people in need. I am sure all stations will always remember you as their best officer. There are so many for whom you are role model of service above self. I am indeed grateful for showing way of service and to so many people around you. You are living true life and shown example of living life to live up for nation, people and your dears. You are true ambassador of परमात्मा.. stay blessed with good life always.
    जय श्री राधे कृष्णा🙏

  14. Feeling his grace also comes with his blessings.I feel lucky to know you.You are a God’s daughter.

  15. Heartiest congratulations Behan ji, Surrendering to God is painful but always fruitful. With warm regards (KK Dhaka)

  16. My congratulation to you my dear Sumedha on your superannuation. We are proud of you for a unrelentingly untiring and selfless service rendered to society during last 38 years. I am a witness to some of these giving backs. You are a special creation of Almighty God bestowed with boundless love, compassion, gratitude and great sense of service. This is not the end but a gateway to your second inning where you you will have many occasions and opportunities to exert with much more fervour, enthusiasm and freedom to deliver the goodness in ways special to you Sumedha. May you be blessed with a very happy and healthy life. Wishing you a great journey ahead.Hope to see you soon. Lots of love

  17. Respected madam You create yourself moment to moment. You are not born as a fix entity but only as a infinite potential. Lucky to have a friend like you

  18. Thank you soooooo much for this important message. We should all be grateful indeed!

  19. मालिक (ईश्वर) को साथ मानो तो साथ होते हैं।
    नाा मानो तो साथ नहीं होते।
    यही बात मालिक के बंदों के साथ भी सत्य है।
    आप सबको साथ लेने में सक्षम इसलिए मालिक आपके साथ हैं और रहेंगे।
    शुभकामनाएं।। खुद के और समाज के लिए आपकी व्यस्तता और बढ़ जाए।

  20. सेवानिवृत्ति एवं जीवन के नये अध्याय के आरंभ पर सादर शुभकामनाएं प्रिय सुश्री सुमेधा जी ! सच में ही ईश्वर की बडी कृपा होती है जब वह हमें अच्छे घर में जन्म ,अच्छे माता पिता, अच्छी शिक्षा,अच्छा पद और अच्छी मनोभावना प्रदान करता है और अपने बनाए इस लोक में जनसेवा का कार्यभार सौंपता है! ईश्वर प्रदत्त इस कार्य को आप ने बखूबी निभाया है और एक आदर्श स्थापित किया है!अब तो सीमारेखाएं भी नहीं रहीं, सीमातीत प्रभुकार्यों के नए दौर के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!
