Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Extent of Insensitivity

We have often heard of extent of sensitivity, of care ,concern, affection, love‎. Juxtaposed to all good things which create good will and positivity, insensitivity of any kind or type breeds contempt, scorn disdain and disrespect. Perhaps every generation feels that present generation is not as sensitive as their predecessors. And this circle goes on unabated. I think it has something to do with being simple too. Our elders were more simple, straight forward, more compassionate and humane. The degree or proportion to which we are not able to match them in these traits tags us with that proportion of insensitivity. Or perhaps it does mean their ability to reach out, their circle of sympathy and affection was much wider than ours but the world today has shrunk, narrowed, become more individualistic and self oriented lacking in empathy which casts a shadow on it being sensitive.

Being not sensitive is okay, acceptable but being insensitive is not palpable. One may or may not be able to feel the sensitivity of the other person but the insensitivity speaks loudly, clearly, shockingly. Being rude does not always mean being insensitive but being insensitive is always rude, not acceptable.‎ Actually it bespeaks for itself, gets noticed more eloquently than words.Just as violence is not always openly expressed in words, deeds, actions, similarly, the insensitivity reaches the recepient to whom its voluntarily or involuntarily targetted: 'we are betrayed by whats is false within'. Like 'the most unkindest cut of all' (of Brutus to Juius Caesar), insensitivity hits the hardest from only those whose being there matters to us, from whom we tend to have some expectations, our aspirations are only from from the cared for lot. Rest of the world's insensitivity is taken as a matter ofcourse, routine, nothing unusual about it.

Given the marked demarcation of whose- sensitivity‎- matters- and- insensitivity-hurts- and -hits, in our heart of hearts we are also aware of the extent to which we can cope with. Thereby, what can be the 'last straw' is anybody's guess because thats to be decided only by the extent of patience and perseverance of the recipient.

In normal parlance, we come across insensitivity of the most common kinds- the ringing of mobile tones (sometimes extremely vulgar, too)‎ especially during the time of cremations or condolence meetings!! How can we be so ruthlessly unkind if we have the' feeling' to come all the way to condole a death? Day in and day out on whats app we see the messages of information regarding someone's departure from the world and I find it horrendous, atrocious and extremely appalling to read 'RIP'!! Its better not to react, keep silent than make the mockery of grief of someone's dear departed!!

Only a sensitive soul can fathom insensitivity‎. Some noble souls find it hard to believe that there are any bad people or that people with ill will too exist. Similarly, its not easy to' believe' there are people who do not have sensitivity for sensitivity and can be blatantly insensitive without meaning to be or do so. Demeanour of such people hurts only once but never thereafter. The most challenging is to accept what we deem as insensitive from the friends or people who we feel are sensitive but how they can afford to behave so insensitively is beyond acceptability and levels of tolerance however we tend to stretch those limits giving them margin after margin. Churned by these challenging experiences we grow-more often than not -the hard way. But one thing is sure i.e. our ability to forgive and pray and above all our ability to love wins even we are faced with insensitivity. Love enables us forgive and prayers absolve us ,free us of negativity caused by unbecoming behaviour of anyone and even if we donot possess the ability to forget, forgiveness heals and enables evolve ment of the culprit too from insensitivity to kindness. This is how the things fallen apart are built again.

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