Monday, June 18, 2018

Negativity- No More !

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our star's / but in ourselves/that we are underlings' says Cassius in Julius Caesar (William Shakepseare). 

Sometimes I really wonder how we have filled our lives and our world with so much of negativity that it has become a way of life for the most of us. We donot 'feel' the presence of dominant trait of negativity which gets eloquently revealed in our words, gestures, expressions of face and language of body. We refuse to believe ourselves to be smitten by the venomous demon of negativity because there is nothing we find worth blaming ourselves for and accept as a matter ofcourse the dominance of this vicious witch which overshadows our positivity, our goodness, all the finer qualities of head and heart we possess in abundance. We know and donot know how the hidden tentacles like scorpion's, negativity swallows the smiles and turn them to sarcasm, eats up the faith and makes us cynical, swirls the very perception and makes us see only the red and blinds us to all that is beauteous and joyful. We fail to realise its impact till the water is above the nose and the congestion makes its presence felt in overbearing stress and strain, melancholy and hopelessness utterly oblivious of the fact that this, too shall pass. We donot realise that the time lost in negative state is denial of simple, human joys we amply deserve day in and day out. 

The tools of expression of negativity are numerous- fear, anger, sorrow-to name a few. The expressions may take any number of forms e.g. hurting words, sarcasm, cynical smile or laugh, blast, physical hurt or plain sulking or violent silence. Every gesture or tone, tenor or demeanour of negativity is unwelcome for everyone-be it human friends or kin or even the pets well known for their unconditional love. 

Howsoever close a person may be when it comes to negative perceptions and expressions thereof, the  acceptance of the same is seldom voluntary and more often than not it is grudging acceptance. No wonder, in situations as such one may behave like a father (as in 'My Father Had a Bad Night') who fails to take simple fever of his son normally/ stoically. Our mood swings are directly affected by the resistible yet unavoidable conduct and disposition of the person who, unfortuately is in trap of devious negativity.

The triggers of negativity are abound in every nook and corner-the litter on the streets, the sites of unhygienic, unclean roads, the unfriendly weather, the persons with negative aura, the newspaper  true reporting of state of affairs of crime and agitations, the messy traffic and poor road sense, the delays in whatever-to name a few. Besides, the negativity stealthily emanates from people at work, their behavioural patterns, the non achievement of targets, the complaints' galore, the attitudinal issues of bosses and subordinates, the working conditions et aL. Almost anything and everything which does not go as per our own individual parameters seems negative, annoys, saddens or causes its 'hit' in expression of our moods. The more close to heart an issue, the greater the impact of negativity trigger. 

They say 'light at the end of the tunnel' but I feel the tunnel of negativity can be frightening and aloof, eerie and challenging, hugely patience testing and difficult. Unless one is blessedly vigilant, it can pave way for damage irreparable. The time it consumes is the time lost forever. Howsoever 'conscious' and spiritually enlightened one may be, negativity has ample capacity to catch one unawares and push all one's goodness and humanity behind. It poses the severest of tests to our fortitude and resilience. The million dollar question is: shall we let ourselves go as per its satanic command or stand our ground firmly to let it pass or push its demonic tentacles with grace and dignity, patience and perseverance? Once in negative fold, we donot accept the presnec or availability of choices, we feel limited, shut, withdrawn, surrendering our abilities to Her Highness, Neagtivity.

When we ourselves become the cause of spreading it, it leads to guilt and when we become the butt and are at receiving end, it affects our perceptions, relations and inherent goodness that each one of us  is abundantly blessed with. 

I feel it is our utmost duty to guard ourselves against any kind of negativity. It needs a tough handling. Moving away from place, person, situation causing negativity may always not be a matter of choice but definitely helps if so done. Prayer, meditation, ability to forgive and also forget are the traits, I feel we need to develop to save our souls. Above all the faith and trust that 'Sun is still in the sky and shining above us' and ability to sing: 'deep in our heart/we do believe/ we shall overcome..'.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true depiction of mentality of most people, the way outs suggested are good, provided we continue to practise them. Awareness of 'my thoughts going negative' is must. Only thereafter one can try to ward off or at least minimise the impact of negativity. Sometimes negative thought slip into your mind and starts itching. The moment you realise it, that very moment action to sidetrack or through it becomes necessary otherwise it gradually grips your positivity to eclipse it. Anyways hats off to your thoughtful and mind boggling discourse. It gives a chance to mind to activate it's positive response to negative thought. Please keep writing and posting. It helps a lot to disturbing minds. It is an oasis.
    Have a Wonderful Day Today.
